Wednesday, September 18, 2013

ComCon 1: Activate

ComCon 1: Activate

Insure your own safety.

Contact participants for status.

Evaluate participants situation and form an action plan based on the best available information. But be prepared to modify the plan should conditions warrant. .

Remind all of back-up communications plan. Insure that all participants can transition to the back-up system without difficulty.

Continue to monitor the threat and evaluate its effect on the group. Communicate any significant threat changes or need for a change in either the Action Plan or the  Communication Plan.

Continually audit communication systems to insure they are functioning.

Monitor the back-up system in case a participant looses the primary system and attempts contact via the back-up.

Write down all significant information. Murphy says "When reviewing the radio frequencies you just wrote down, the most important ones will be illegible".

Be clear and concise with your communications. People under stress may easily mistake your intent. Murphy says "Every command that can be misunderstood, will be".

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