Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome to GRID DOWN Comms

What if you knew, with 100% certainty, that in 3 months,
the grid in your area would fail for an extended period.
What would you do to prepare?

This blog, along with a week long workshop at
QuartzFest 2014
is designed to help you plan for an
extended communications failure.

We have so much to cover that we can't wait until January and QuartzFest 2014.
So the GRID DOWN Comms Seminar for
QuartzFest 2014 

Not attending QuartzFest 2014? You can still take advantage of all the information, advice and guidance by following along with this blog. But you will miss the opportunity to meet with similar minded individuals and benefit from hands on training in a week long grid down environment. 

The blog part of our planning for Quartzfest 2014. You can contribute to the peer review process. If you see something that is in error, unclear or needs expansion, please copy the section and paste it into an email along with your comments. Send it to me at

To catch up with the blog, click the Newer Posts button at the bottom left of each page. Then to keep current, use the "Follow by Email" gadget at top right of  any page. Enter your email address and you will get each new blog entry as soon as it is posted. No need to check the blog to stay current.